Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Emotional Quotient really matters...

Hi friends!
I know its been two days without any blog. Actually I was in pursuit of learning something new.
As I told you earlier that I have always been curious about knowing something new to add to my vision of changing education system and making it more effective.

By now I have always searched for effectiveness of high IQ and never gave importance to E.Q. The mistake that everybody else does.
You know guys success demands more of E.Q than I.Q yes, I mean emotional quotient. I have always thought of taking a seminar for newly married couples and young parents to tell them ways to become a successful spouse and a successful parent. This time I have got a great point to add on in my speech for that purpose.
I am a person who is more curious about what makes a man successful rather than minding my own business of getting successful. Anyways let me come to the point.
Emotional intelligence (Emotional intelligence) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while other claim it is an inborn characteristic. But I strongly believe that EQ can be developed.

Till now it was believed that success of a person is depended on his IQ but this is not the case. And unfortunately our education system is also depended on the same fundamentals.
Children are always being pushed to get best grades in class and reach the best universities. you know what the irony is that most of the most successful man were college dropouts viz. Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Bill Gates etc. Ten of Nobel prize winners were college drop outs even. High IQ doesn't guarantee success. High E.Q means creativity, patience, perseverance, good relationships etc. 
So people don't worry if your kid is not doing fair in academics.

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