Wednesday 30 April 2014

Emotional Quotient really matters...

Hi friends!
I know its been two days without any blog. Actually I was in pursuit of learning something new.
As I told you earlier that I have always been curious about knowing something new to add to my vision of changing education system and making it more effective.

By now I have always searched for effectiveness of high IQ and never gave importance to E.Q. The mistake that everybody else does.
You know guys success demands more of E.Q than I.Q yes, I mean emotional quotient. I have always thought of taking a seminar for newly married couples and young parents to tell them ways to become a successful spouse and a successful parent. This time I have got a great point to add on in my speech for that purpose.
I am a person who is more curious about what makes a man successful rather than minding my own business of getting successful. Anyways let me come to the point.
Emotional intelligence (Emotional intelligence) refers to the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. Some researchers suggest that emotional intelligence can be learned and strengthened, while other claim it is an inborn characteristic. But I strongly believe that EQ can be developed.

Till now it was believed that success of a person is depended on his IQ but this is not the case. And unfortunately our education system is also depended on the same fundamentals.
Children are always being pushed to get best grades in class and reach the best universities. you know what the irony is that most of the most successful man were college dropouts viz. Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Bill Gates etc. Ten of Nobel prize winners were college drop outs even. High IQ doesn't guarantee success. High E.Q means creativity, patience, perseverance, good relationships etc. 
So people don't worry if your kid is not doing fair in academics.

Sunday 27 April 2014


Though my blog title is school management, today I am writing for parents who send their children to hostel and think their children will get best life skills their viz. discipline, etiquettes etc. Let me tell you an incident.
Yesterday, I was sitting at my client’s place. We started talks on Education of children. While talking to him a surprising truth dawned on me. Which was he sent his children to hostel because his children were not at all interested in studies.  He sent them so that he can get relief of that tension and on other hostel people will take care of these things themselves. Then I asked him about their tuitions and school. He replied that they do not listen to the tutor and school teachers don’t care that much.
This is not the situation with this person only but it is the situation with many other people.  They send their children to hostel because:
1.       They don’t know how to deal with children.
2.       They think hostel will teach discipline
3.       They don’t have time to tender their children
4.       Some of parents feel it as a pride to send their children to hostel.
5.    Etc.

Keeping the above given points in mind acknowledge some below given facts.

     1.       Your children are not career or money making machine which you are preparing by giving them education.
     2.       Human beings are social beings, when you send them to hostel in early age or when they are in school they tend to lose values of relations.  It becomes difficult for them to carry relations in life. Where in a country like India you even make good relation with your neighbor.
     3.       They many a times become a being who is just career oriented and money oriented and forgets that this life is much more than making money.
     4.       Though they will become good at discipline and some other skills but I believe that it is not something to learn on the cost of relations and other things which makes you social beings.
     5.       And the biggest thing is that your children have not committed any crime for which you are keeping them away from their children.
     6.       You know one thing, children take best cultural values and discipline in a joint family which can’t be given in any hostel around the world.

To give your children best of education don’t break your joint family and be your children’s friend literally not just by worlds. Love them and understand them that is enough to tender your children.
And remember degrees are not everything.

Maradona, Ronaldo, Steve jobs, Pele, Dhirubhai Ambani, Sachin Tendulkar and some other very successful people were not degree holders. Still they are known by world. Your child could also have some natural talent or some natural instinct try to discover that, your child can also become one like the above examples.

Best of luck !!!

Thursday 24 April 2014

Hi friends!

Today I feel like being on top of the world, as I got appointed for my first guest lecture in Jaipuria Institute, my Alma mater and secondly I started marketing for my vision. Which is to help children who are week  in maths and feel helpless when faced with maths problems.
Though my blog topic is school management but today I will tell you how I want to bring change in education system.
When I was a kid just 4 years old I was sent to a tuition where I used to get beaten up very harshly, no mercy. the punishment could be given by a thick wooden block or punches on back or the tutor used to stand up on our legs and this was not the case just with me but with every child there and this was continued many years until I reached class 8th. This might be the cause probably that I became a child who used to sit quietly in a corner of a class without interacting with any classmate. As I discussed in my previous blog.

I was a below average child. Maths had never been my cup of tea. I used to feel dizzy over algebra. rest every thing was fine. And unfortunately what interested me the most was stars, planets, space and such things related to universe. which means I had interest in Astronomy in hindi we call "sonay pe soohaaga" (icing on the cake) as for studying astronomy I had to be good in maths no option for that.
And I took commerce without maths in that forlorn state.
Now I was left with very little career options after that. Now comes the phase where a child is required to choose an option (profession) which will stay with him/her for lifetime. Which we choose almost all of the times the one which will give maximum money and status and not the one which we like or which our nature or personality suits the most.
I went with the wind (blown by parents, society etc.). Chose to do MBA in marketing and take sales line after that. After getting into the role of a salesman I Was dawned with a bitter truth that neither my interest nor my nature suites the job which means tiredness, depression and likes. I switched 3 jobs in a year but liked no one. Total disaster.
Now I thought that enough is enough now I will not think for a second and follow what my instinct and gut tells me. And today I am going to be what my life wants me to be and what I want. That is being a career coach and a motivational speaker.
This is the career where I will use all my experiences i took since childhood and my natural talent which is public speaking.


Wednesday 23 April 2014


After passing Xth std. I changed school as I was desperate to change my image of a well mannered and innocent child as due to this behavior I was deprived of a friend circle. every one used to treat me like a boring child. No one used to talk to me.
I have a natural instinct in me that I keep changing myself or my behavior or my attitude or something to move one step forward towards excellence. This time I required change in my behavior so that no one can say that I am an innocent and well mannered lad.
I took admission in ABC public school. As I haven't got good marks to get myself admitted in some good school.

To my surprise this school was very bad in managing its daily chores. What I found in this school which was not good was.
1. Its management.
2. The crowd, which was expected to be bad as I got admission with poor marks.
3. Teachers used to make fuss of trivial issues.
4. Fights among school students which used to be life taking sometimes.
5. A few teachers were really evil.
6. minimal extracurricular activities due to which very less students were prominent.

I might have missed one or more. Anyways, lets move forward.

So, While I was in this school I used to think about what can be done to improve this school which I used to think from my childhood but now it has gone up to its limit. All these thoughts accumulated to make my life's goal more strong. And I took the oath to bring some revolutionary change in education system worldwide if required. And hence I decided to do MBA in  Xll th std. so that I can achieve my goal.
This all motivated me to write and disseminate my leanings

Kindly keep on following my blogs to find more.

Monday 21 April 2014

How should the schools be managed.

                 Managing a school

In our country we look up to schools as a place of worship, as it is a place where we acquire knowledge "a tool which shapes our personality and gives us wisdom". In ancient times we used to have Gurukuls where children used to stay away from their families "like today's hostels" and acquire gyan "knowledge". Those times the knowledge acquired used to be something else now it is something else and the pedagogy also. 
Those times there used to be a single teacher in one Gurukul "School" but now there is a principal who manages a school and a few or more teachers who teach students. in this transition the management style has also changed. now principal knows a very little about children and on other hand students are taught by more than one teacher " a different teacher for different subject". 
In my view managing a school is not tough but easy. 

People important for school:

1. Principal
2. Teachers
3. Counselors


His/her duty is to look after management of school. If the result of school is not satisfactory it means the principal is somewhere at fault. A good school is all about a good principal. It is very important for a principal to have right approach of managing. I believe if principal is good he/she alone can make the school top class in all fields be it board results or any competition. 
I have a very strong belief that if a school is good it can convert a below average student into a genius. If a school takes tough admission test to admit a student it means the school is week and it lacks the potential to impart right sets of skills in children.
A school can only be called as a good school if it admit students without any admission test and have the potential to give genius products to its nation.
I don't believe that their is even a single school which Applies all I said above in its operations.


A good teacher is a teacher who is a good friend of students and I mean it. It should not be like "teachers say I am your good friend my children but children can not connect to him/her". unless the students can not connect with the teacher as their friend they cannot get maximum out of her/his teachings. Students can only take the real knowledge from a teacher they respect from heart. It is not easy to be a teacher. If I would have been a principal of a school, I tell you people it would be ten times tougher for a teachers to get recruited in my school than admission of a student. And I mean it. Remember principals, school is made from good teachers and not good students.


I have seen many schools which do not feel importance of student counselors. They might have a thought that they are good enough to run school without a counselor but remember principals if your school doesn't have a counselor it lacks an essential ingredient to make a school a good school. Counselors do the job no other person of school can do. A counselor tackles the issues being faced by children which ultimately are affecting their career or personality growth. A counselor in a school is like salt in a dish.

A school is not a good school unless it holds the capability to convert a below average child into a genius.
So Schools please stop increasing fees unnecessarily and get set to face the real challenge.


Sunday 20 April 2014

Schools Today

Almost all of the schools today are running to increase their bank balances. It is an ubiquitous fact. schools are just increasing fees but no change is being seen in pedagogy. thanks to the systems like smart class etc. that they have changed the way of learning up to a great extent. but this is not all.
Schools need to understand that the change is required at fundamental level. nowadays the system is afraid of giving pressure to students but this is not the solution. life is not easy and though we should teach students to be brave and don't get afraid of exams and pressure because the life ahead is not that easy and demands power to face different challenges. but this doesn't mean we increase burden of homework.
My effort is to make children see the life from all aspects and learn to face challenges they are going to face entire life.
The grading system introduced is not the solution but making children capable of facing pressure and doing well in pressure is the need of time. grading system has made children less serious about studies and exams. This might hamper the quality of future generations our country will need further.

So I want to request the schools that please work on your teachers. work on the pedagogy and inculcate the skills required in children to see life as it is. And don't forget to teach Bhagwat Geeta to your children. Bhagwat Geeta is the book which can inculcate all the above mentioned skills in children.
